The first step of the leftish madness in France has started. The Government decided to roll back part of the increase in retirement age, that was passed 2 years ago by the former President Nicolas Sarkozy. And it decided to do it by a very strange procedure - not by passing a law amendment, but by a Government "decree". These types of acts are very suspicious from judicial point of view. But at the moment the new government can not pass a new law, as in old parliament the Sarkozy's party has a majority, and a new election is scheduled for June 10th. So it would be better to wait until election and propose the new law in Parliament. But the Government is hurrying - may be in an effort to influence the election itself by such a populist moves.
Read more...Silvio Berlusconi - the former Italy prime minister and a leader of the parliamentary majority at the moment, is the first of EU leaders to officially use the phrase "printing money" as a "decision" for debt crisis. Up to now the money-print has happened, but under other names (1% interest, LTRO, QE, ECB buying bonds). But no one called it "money-print". This phrase was forbidden. But up to now. Today Berlusconi directly said ECB must "print" more money to put the crisis under control...
Read more...The Euro has fallen below $1,24 and in fact there is no serious indications of a soon reverse. As this devaluation is not good for US-exports it is possible soon we see a direct (QE3) of hidden (via banks) intervention of FED in support of Euro and weakening the dollar. Some analysts call this a "currency war". Some clever analysts call this "madness" that will lead to overall inflation in all currencies and no one will profit from weakening its own currency. But this is a long term threat, while in mid and short term fighting at currency war is a heroic action.
Read more...Some angry investors decided to sue Facebook, the IPO bank - Morgan Stanley, and Mark Zuckerberg personally after the share price of newly listed on Stock Exchange company crashed down from the IPO level of $38. This is the expected end of a mix of market bubble and Ponzi scheme that is to become at least one of the largest disappointments in business history. There was an enormous hopes, massive money flow of naive investors, and usual and logic slump at the end.