Portugal - B

 Portugal is de facto a defaulted country as it uses bailout funds from EU and IMF and can not survive without them. This is due to entire losing of confidence of markets so nobody is eager to lend money to Portugal. The rating below is if the confidence was not lost.

Debt/GDP = 1,03 (103%)
Accumulated deficit for last 5 years/budget income for last 5 years = 0,137
No defaults in new history
5-year inflation = 0,09 (9%)
Budget expences/GDP = 0,49
Trade deficit/GDP = 0,083
World GDP per capita/Country GDP per capita = 0,38
Political factor = 0,2
Crisis factor = 0,4 (involved in current war - Afghanistan)
Other unique factors = 2 (lost market confidence, uses bailout help from EU and IMF)

OVERALL CREDIT SCORE: 0,667 (66,7%). This responds to B.

Calculated with this (new) formula:

r = 10/{[1+(debt/GDP)] + [1+10*(accumulated deficit for last 5 years/budget income for last 5 years)] + [1 + (10/years since last default)] + [1+3*(accumulated of last 5 years inflation)] + [1+(budget expences/GDP)] + [1+ 10* (trade deficit/GDP)] + [world's GDP per capita/country's GDP per capita] + [1+political factor] + [1+crisis factor] + [Other unique factors]}


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