Debt/GDP = 0,81 (81%)
Accumulated deficit for last 5
years/budget income for last 5 years = 0,041
Years since last default = 67 (Losing the WW2 is de facto a default of Germany in 1945)
5-year inflation = 0,08 (8%)
Budget expences/GDP = 0,45
deficit/GDP = -0,056 (Germany has a trade surplus)
World GDP per capita/Country GDP per capita =
Political factor = 0
Crisis factor = 0,4 (involved in current war -
Other unique factors = 1
OVERALL CREDIT SCORE: 0,901 (90,1%). This responds to
with this (new) formula:
r = 10/{[1+(debt/GDP)] + [1+10*(accumulated
deficit for last 5 years/budget income for last 5 years)] + [1 + (10/years since
last default)] + [1+3*(accumulated of last 5 years inflation)] + [1+(budget
expences/GDP)] + [1+ 10* (trade deficit/GDP)] + [world's GDP per
capita/country's GDP per capita] + [1+political factor] + [1+crisis factor] +
[Other unique factors]}
rating, calculated with the old formula:
Debt/GDP = 0,79 (79%)
Accumulated deficit for last 5 years/budget income for last 5 years = 0,042
Years since last default = 67 (Losing the WW2 is de facto a default of Germany in 1945)
5-year inflation = 0,08 (8%)
Budget expences/GDP = 0,46
Trade deficit/GDP = -0,048 (Germany has a trade surplus)
Political factor = 0
Crisis factor = 0,4 (Involved in Afghanistan war)
OVERALL CREDIT SCORE: 0,814 (81,4%). This responds to A.